B1 - Heatmap Plot

B1 - Heatmap Plot

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Menu to plot heatmap is Plot: Contour/Heat Map: Heat Map. Toolbar button can be found in the Contour group of 3D and Contour Graphs toolbar. (XYZ data is not supported yet)

The plotvm dialog to plot heatmap and contour plot with virtual matrix is improved.

  • Support date, time data format.for X,Y values.
  • Support to select a existed virtual matrix from virtual matrix manager to plot a graph. For example, when the following graph is plotted, there will be a virtual matrix named VM1. 
    Select the worksheet and open the plotvm dialog, click the triangle button after Input, click Select Virtual Matrix... from the fly-out menu, select VM1 from the Virtual Matrix Manager, then click OK to get the same plot.


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